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Andrew Young School of Policy Studies
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ATLANTA — The Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division of the Academy of Management has presented Georgia State economist Paula Stephan the 2024 TIM Lifetime Achievement Award. The presentation was livestreamed during the Roundtable for Engineering Entrepreneurship Research (REER) Conference at the Georgia Institute of Technology in November.
The award, established in 2023, recognizes scholars who have a record of exceptional intellectual contributions, mentorship and institution building in the field of technology and innovation management. The first recipient of the new award was Professor Richard Nelson of Columbia University.
“We are immensely proud of Dr. Paula Stephan for receiving the 2024 TIM Lifetime Achievement Award,” said Thomas J. Vicino, dean of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. “This prestigious recognition is a testament to her transformative impact on the field. Dr. Stephan’s work not only elevates Georgia State University’s reputation but also inspires scholars and practitioners worldwide. We are thrilled to see her extraordinary achievements celebrated on such a distinguished platform.”
Stephan is professor emerita of economics with Georgia State’s Andrew Young School and a research associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research. Her research focuses on the economics of science and the careers of scientists and engineers. Recent work examines factors that discourage risk taking in science, including the extent to which peer review discourages risk taking, the relationship between international mobility and scientific productivity, how gender pairing between student and adviser relates to the productivity of Ph.D. recipients, and the economics of the postdoctoral position.
She was a member of the Board of Reviewing Editors for Science from 2012 until 2019 and was named Science Careers’ first Person of the Year in 2012. She also has received the Alumni Distinguished Professor Award from Georgia State University.