"From a young age, Adagia Leo (B.I.S. in Acting Concentration) had a passion for the arts. Now, as a graduating senior, she is sharing how she plans to turn her passion into a career"
Who is Adagia Leo?
I would love to brag about myself and say I am incredibly hilarious, patient and just perfect. In all honesty, I have the humor of a five-year-old, I am always on the edge of my seat, and I am more flawed than I’d care to admit. I am constantly striving and praying to God to be a kind person and within that, I keep unearthing more about myself that can be worked on... but isn’t that the beautiful part of living this life? To sum it up, I am a person whose dreams may seem too big to some, whose personality feels even bigger to many, and who searches for joy that is often found through creation. (Such an actor thing to say, right?)
How did you decide on Georgia State University and Acting as your concentration?
When I began applying to colleges and was accepted to Georgia State University (GSU), I immediately knew it was the right choice for me, mostly because my boyfriend (at the time) was attending there. I would never advise anyone to follow a partner to college, but it turned out to be the best choice I could have made. Not only did I marry him four months ago, but GSU has also helped shape my dreams and provided me with countless lessons. I am especially grateful for the relationships I've built here. I chose The School of Film, Media & Theatre (FMT) because performing has always moved me in ways I didn't know were possible. I realized that if I put my heart, mind and soul into it, I could find success.
Tell me about your dream career.
My dream career is to be a successful actress in fictional and fantasy films and potentially open a reptile agency. As a young girl growing up in Florida, I had two primary passions: lizards and the arts. It would be a dream to act in movies that allow people to escape their long days and disappear into their favorite world. It would also be a blessing to care for reptiles and act as an agent for them in the film industry, providing safe, comfortable and enjoyable experiences for everyone involved.
What are Adagia's next steps after college?
It is hard to target one goal when you're an artist with many aspirations, but securing a talent agent is at the top of my priority list! I also plan to continue finding others who share my eagerness to create, keep training myself and working to keep my head held high in such a competitive (but awesome) industry.
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to pursue acting?
Hard work, consistency, grit, a positive attitude and the ability to handle rejection (to name a few) are all essential when pursuing a career in acting. I've learned this lesson from my professors at GSU, who come ready to share their experiences - a lesson I have learned, am currently learning and will continue to learn as I grow in this field. What gives me confidence is my love for acting and creating, which outweighs my fear of defeat. My biggest advice (for anything in life, but especially for acting) is this: if you want it, take it! Don’t just reach for it or observe it with longing. You must go after it and keep pursuing it, even when you feel like giving up. If you know you can do this and your heart overflows when you’re in your element, the sky is the limit!
Interview by Maisha Era, PR Coordinator at the School of Film, Media & Theatre.