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William Inman
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ATLANTA—Education company EAB has named Georgia State University’s Perimeter College the winner of its Student Success Collaborative Return on Education Award.
The award recognizes an institution that has produced significant and measurable results from its efforts to help students persist, graduate and thrive.
Over the last four years, the three-year graduation rates at Perimeter College have more than tripled and achievement gaps based on race, ethnicity and income have been eliminated.
“The data-driven approaches that have worked so well at our Atlanta Campus have also made a tremendous difference at Perimeter,” said Dr. Allison Calhoun-Brown, senior vice president for student success.
“This award is the result of the hard work and close working relationship between our faculty and advising staff,” said Dr. Nancy Kropf, dean of Perimeter College. “Through their efforts, we have increased the number of associate degrees we awarded by 17 percent in the 2019-20 academic year.”
Georgia State has been internationally recognized for designing and implementing scalable models for student success that have been replicated at universities across the U.S. The university recently opened a first-of-its-kind National Institute for Student Success, where it will share its practices and research with other colleges and universities.
“The rapid progress we have made in eliminating equity gaps at Perimeter College affirms that the approaches pioneered at Georgia State, including using predictive analytics to inform advising, can be replicated at other institutions,” said Dr. Timothy Renick, executive director of the National Institute for Student Success.
This is the seventh year EAB has recognized outstanding achievements in student success. Awardees are chosen from among the colleges, universities and individuals who use EAB’s student success management system.
“The COVID-19 pandemic forced institutions to rely on technology like never before to support students on their educational journey,” said Scott Schirmeier, president of EAB Technology. “This year’s awardees, like their predecessors, are true leaders in using technology to help advisers, faculty, administrators and students work collaboratively to keep more students on track to graduate. The winners exemplify what schools can achieve with a campus-wide approach to student success, strong leadership and an unrelenting commitment to helping more students reach their potential.”