Same-sex Marriage, Obergefell v. Hodges, Family Law, Race And Law, Education and Law, Civil Procedure
Tanya Washington focuses her research and scholarship on issues related to educational equity and issues arising at the intersection of domestic relations, race and children’s constitutional rights. She works collaboratively to ensure legal scholarship has a practical and positive impact for vulnerable individuals and communities. Her co-written U.S. Supreme Court amicus briefs in U.S. v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges highlight the harmful impact of exclusionary marriage laws on children in same-sex families and challenge states’ characterization of these laws as child welfare measures. A belief that the true value of the law lies in its capacity to improve the human condition animates her work, which has been presented at numerous conferences, programs and law schools including Harvard Law School, the University of Maryland Law School, Emory School of Law, the University of Iowa College of Law, the Family Law Section of the American Bar Association, and the National Bar Association’s 2014 Presidential Showcase.