Dr. Dominic Parrott’s NIAAA-funded research program aims to reduce interpersonal violence by (1) identifying risk and protective factors for perpetrating aggressive behavior and (2) informing intervention programming. This work uses different methodologies (e.g., laboratory, survey) to study different forms of aggression (e.g., physical, sexual) toward various targets (e.g., sexual minorities, women) and under different conditions (e.g., alcohol intoxication, in group settings). I have supervised a specialized practicum team that conducts brief motivational interventions for heavy drinking men and women. This work is consistent with my clinical interests involving the assessment and treatment of adults with substance use and anger-related difficulties. I conceptualize addictive and violent behaviors from a social learning perspective, while also recognizing the myriad of other factors that may influence these maladaptive behaviors (e.g., neuropsychological, genetic, etc.). I emphasize a cognitive-behavioral and motivational approach to therapy and am committed to applying the most current empirical findings to treatment protocols.