Neighborhood Change, Inequality, Public Housing, Housing Issues, Social Effects of Urban Policy, Social Effects of Public Housing Policy and Demolition, Community Land Trusts
Dr. Deirdre Oakley is a professor of sociology at Georgia State University in Atlanta. Her research focuses primarily on how urban social disadvantages concerning education, housing, neighborhood change as well as redevelopment, are often compounded by geographic space and urban policies. Research by Dr. Oakley and her colleagues has explored the effects of the demolition of Atlanta's traditional public housing projects, and she has provided testimony before Congress concerning housing preservation and the Neighborhood Choice Initiative to the House Financial Services Committee. A managing editor of the Journal of Urban Affairs, she is currently working on a National Science Foundation funded project with colleagues at Georgia State and the City University of New York about Community Land Trusts. She earned her Ph.D. in Sociology and an M.A. in Urban Geography from the State University of New York at Albany, and holds a Bachelor of Arts in American History from Bowdoin College.