Leadership, Organizational Culture, Organizational Climate, Team Processes
Chad A. Hartnell is an associate professor in the Management Department at Georgia State University’s Robinson College of Business. He is passionate about creating great places to work by improving an organization’s social context. Dr. Hartnell studies how an organization’s social context (e.g., leadership, organizational culture, organizational climate, etc.) influences employees’ motivation, attitudes and effectiveness. His research focuses most centrally on leadership and organizational culture, how they interrelate and the intervening mechanisms through which they influence organizational, unit and individual effectiveness. His research has accumulated over 3,500 citations (Google Scholar) and has been covered in professional and popular press outlets such as Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, Talent Quarterly, Forbes, Financial Times, Atlanta Business Chronicle and others. Dr. Hartnell currently serves on Personnel Psychology’s editorial review board. He also serves as an ad hoc reviewer for multiple top journals in the management and applied psychology domains. His research has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Annals, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior and others.