Designing learning technologies to create equitable and productive learning opportunities; theory-driven, evidence-centered adaptive learning technology that helps students engage in learning.
Min Kyu Kim, assistant professor in the College of Education & Human Development’s Department of Learning Sciences, studies how to design learning technologies to create equitable and productive learning opportunities. He believes most students can master learning goals if they are provided with appropriate adaptive support. His interests have arisen from the prevailing issue of “at-risk” youth who are often caught in low-income communities and experience lower academic performance. His research is in design of adaptive technology that helps students engage in learning. He focuses on modeling learning progressions and learner differences in the three domains: cognitive engagement, behavioral engagement and emotional engagement. Kim has more than eight years of experience as an e-learning consultant and trainer. His experience includes employing technology in a variety of learning situations ranging from K-12 to adult learners in online and face-to-face settings.