Media Contact
Michael Rohling
Senior Director, Advancement Communications
University Advancement
[email protected]
ATLANTA—Georgia State University’s National Institute for Student Success (NISS) received a $4.96 million grant from the Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation that will enable the institute to provide its services to more colleges and universities, with a focus on those serving students underrepresented in higher education.
DeLuca Foundation funding will allow the NISS to extend its systematic, data-driven and collaborative services to higher education institutions that could not otherwise afford its fee-based offerings. With this grant support, NISS will provide institutional scholarships to colleges and universities, enabling them to access the NISS diagnostic and implementation-support services. The NISS will then work with these partner institutions for periods ranging from six months to three years to help them deploy the NISS’s proven methodologies for diagnosing barriers to college completion and implementing effective student success programs and interventions.
“We’re incredibly appreciative of the Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation’s generous commitment to NISS’s mission of raising success rates for students from all backgrounds at higher-ed institutions,” said Timothy Renick, founding executive director of the National Institute for Student Success. “This grant will enable the NISS to greatly expand its outreach, providing a range of deserving institutions with financial support for our services and ensuring our partner institutions see meaningful and measurable gains in student success.”
DeLuca Foundation support will also provide funding for NISS to continue developing a suite of programs that promote the professionalization of student-success practitioners at partner institutions, expand the number of professionals with expertise in evidence-based student-success technologies and systems, and foster standards of excellence in enrollment management and student success across the country.
Founded in 1997, the Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation is dedicated to creating and improving opportunities for families and communities to thrive by investing in economic mobility, educational attainment and health. Explore how they’re fulfilling their mission and strengthening communities at delucafdn.org.
Learn more about the NISS’s mission and services at niss.gsu.edu. See some of the many ways donor support is making a meaningful difference at Georgia State at giving.gsu.edu.