story by Claire Miller
Assistant Professor Lisa Domke is one of two researchers nationwide chosen for the 2020 Emerging Scholars Fellowship Program, sponsored by the Literacy Research Association’s Reading Hall of Fame.
The Reading Hall of Fame, which focuses its efforts on improving reading instruction, established the scholars program to support and encourage new faculty members to concentrate on research and publication.
Domke’s research interests center on biliteracy – specifically, how elementary children develop reading and oral language skills in multiple languages. She also has interests in children’s literature and disciplinary literacy with a focus on language learners. Her work has been published in several literacy and language journals, including the Journal of Literacy Research, The Reading Teacher, Reading Horizons, the Journal of Language and Literacy Education and the Michigan Reading Journal.
She will be paired with a Reading Hall of Fame mentor, Georgia García, Ph.D., who can offer work/life balance advice, review manuscripts and suggest grant opportunities, among other mentorship activities. She will also have the opportunity to meet with other mentors and scholars at national and international conferences and potentially present her research and experiences at Reading Hall of Fame-sponsored conference sessions.
“I’m honored to be chosen for such a wonderful opportunity,” Domke said. “Dr. García’s work has been very influential for me, and I am really excited to learn from her.”
For more information on the emerging scholars program, visit https://www.readinghalloffame.org/reading-hall-fame-emerging-scholars-fellowship.