In response to the tragic murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and the resulting wave of protests around the world, many institutions throughout the nation have voiced strong opposition to racism. They have taken steps to address inequities within their respective organizations. For its part, Georgia State University has created a dedicated Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) website (https://dei.gsu.edu) with a series of programs, initiatives, opportunities and resources for faculty and students alike.
The Georgia State University School of Music has likewise recently formed its own School of Music Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee dedicated to addressing issues of inclusion, diversity and equity within the context of the performance and study of music in particular. Made up of a wide cross-section of faculty, staff and alumni, the School of Music DEI Committee is co-chaired by Dr. Marva Carter and Dr. Oliver Greene. During the fall semester, the committee will develop strategies and goals for including current students in conversations about diversity, inclusion and equity, as well as addressing inequities in the presentation of musical works and composers and longstanding biases within the academic curriculum. While the huge issue of racism cannot be solved in a single semester, the School of Music DEI Committee has been charged with creating a firm foundation to build upon. The School of Music plans on making this new committee a permanent standing committee and is dedicated to fostering an environment of inclusion both on the performance stage as well as in the classroom.
Dr. Nickitas Demos
School of Music Director