Graduation students' grad caps at Commencement
ATLANTA—The Class of 2020 just completed one of the most challenging semesters in their college life, and now its time to celebrate. Whether you have finished your coursework and are taking professional licensure exams or completing final degree requirements this summer, the Lewis College salutes you and all your hard work. Good luck with your future, and know that you are our healthcare heroes!
From Studying the Dead To Caring For the Living: Kara Carmichael
Health Informatics Graduate Chose Georgia State From the Start: David Delemar
Former Preschool Language Teacher Graduates a Nurse: Yamina Khelifaoui
Health Informatics Student Graduates Summa Cum Laude: Beenish Lakhani
Dancing Nutrition Graduate Inspired By Mother’s Illness: Patricia Perez
Respiratory Therapy Graduate Battles a New Enemy: Shawn Winkler