Dr. Christine Rosenbloom, nutrition professor emerita at Georgia State University, provides commonsense guidelines and tips for optimal health as we age in her new book “Food & Fitness After 50: Eat Well, Move Well, Be Well.”
Rosenbloom, along with her co-author, Dr. Bob Murray, aims to help older adults make choices that are practical and useful to get and stay healthy as they age. “Food & Fitness After 50” dispels many of the headline-making myths about a quick fix or a radical diet that will produce instant results. The authors’ focus is on science-based, practical information that is adaptable to an individual’s personal preferences and goals.
Eating well, moving well and being well are of particular concern to those over 50, but many people use excuses, such as time constraints or genetic predispositions, to account for their lack of energy, strength and overall health. Rosenbloom and Murray offer relatable and sustainable advice to take action.
“It’s common sense, but that isn’t always common practice,” said Rosenbloom.
Many older adults face health challenges that require hospitalization or significant changes to their lifestyle. Rosenbloom and Murray share their own experiences with overcoming obstacles, including Rosenbloom’s hip replacement and recovery from breast cancer.
“First of all, being in good shape helps when bad stuff happens,” said Rosenbloom. “But my doctor advised me that I had to give up running, so I chose different activities.”
Rosenbloom now stays active cycling, swimming and walking her dogs. She also participates in dance aerobics and yoga at the YMCA. Her dance moves are not as fluid as she might like, but she says that the social commitment of group classes works to keep her motivated.
“In ‘Food & Fitness After 50,’ we propose a variety of options that will help a person maintain their health and fitness plans, whether it’s the home environment or a social structure.” In addition, each chapter features an expert who shares his or her experience on healthy aging. Dean Nancy Kropf is featured in one chapter, sharing her insights.
Rosenbloom emphasizes that it is never too late start, regardless of one’s age. She speaks from personal and professional experience. Rosenbloom is a registered dietitian and nutritionist, as well as a former member of the faculty of gerontology.
To read more about Dr. Rosenbloom, please visit www.chrisrosenbloom.com. “Food & Fitness After 50: Eat Well, Move Well, Be Well” is available on Amazon.