Forty-four members of the Doctor of Physical Therapy Class of 2020 received their white coats at the annual White Coat Ceremony and Service of Remembrance on October 26. Receiving the white coats marks the students’ transition to clinical education and professional status as developing healthcare providers.
Starting the ceremony, a second-year student and class president Joe Hoyt, along with members of his class, recognized the human cadaver donors who gave their bodies to science, ensuring that the DPT students would receive a top-notch anatomy experience. During the service, students lit candles for each of the donors and read written reflections, while third-year student Jason Kawamura played the violin.
Following the remembrance service, the focus turned to the presentation of the white coats. Third-year students Domonique Beckham and Kate Ducote offered words of wisdom before the first year students were called to the stage individually to receive their coats. The ceremony concluded as Bryan Smith, president of the third year class, led all of the students in reciting the American Physical Therapy Association vision statement.
Congratulations, Class of 2020!